
Wednesday, October 13, 2010


About a couple of weeks ago. I got a call from Mokhtar Chahine, a Saudi Photographer that lives in Jeddah. I have interviewed him before but for another website..Mashalla the kid is talented & definitely has a big potential with his passion for photography.

The reason for the call was to invite me for a photo-shoot to his idea "The Pink Project" and basically it is to show support to the Breast Cancer Society which is definitely something I was honored to be part of.

Mokhtar's approach towards the whole thing is to show support from all kind of angles, shapes, age & gender. It was a really fun shoot and I salute people like Mokhtar that decided to REVOLT with their talent & spread positive vibe messages across the globe.

Good luck my brother & thank you for making me part of this.
Stay Revolted.

You can check out more project & work from Mokhtar on his cool website:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your wonderful support, It was great to have you in MC Photography's Studio.

    I support what you do all the way.

    - MC
