
Saturday, October 9, 2010

RE-VOLT RADIO INTERVIEWS: ADAM HART-DAVIS (Where Science is Fun+Educational)

Ladies & Gentlemen, I introduce to you Adam Hart-Davis. He is a photographer, writer & broadcaster. A real fun loving personality in Science as well. I actually came across him through the Saudi Show "Khawater 6" (Reflection) where he presented us with really fascinating information on how Islam affected the technology that we have now-a-days all over the world. His "cool" approach towards science made me research him and actually interviewing him for RE-VOLT which happened & I am thankful for the opportunity.

Check out the below exciting audio interview where we talk about passion of science, importance of Islam in the technology, why the Islamic culture didnt continue, his amazing trip to Kenya and his thoughts on "Are We Alone in the World" ..

You can check out & follow Adam right here:

THE FULL AUDIO INTERVIEW (Just Click Play below)


  1. Funny character for a 'scientific' mind :) Real interesting interview and attention-grabbing perceptions, brought to us through humor and logic/knowledge. Big H! Your skills are seriously improving in a great way. Proud of you! :)

  2. Very interesting information Hassan..i wished u had continued with where we stopped inventing and everything went wrong..Looking forward to other interview with such great mind..Thank u for sharing it with us and good luck to u

  3. Great mind and geat thinking..wished you had continued with what went wrong and what we can do about it now..Good luck Hassan
